The KIPP Jacksonville Public Schools Transportation Department is dedicated to providing free, safe, and reliable transportation to all of our students, ensuring they have access to the high-quality education they deserve.
Bus Routes
Bessie Coleman Academy
Impact Academy
VOICE Academy
Bold City High School
Code of Conduct
We view bus service as an extension of the classroom experience, therefore all KIPPsters are expected to exhibit the same behavior practices when on the bus as they do in the classroom. The Student Code of Conduct applies to everyone both on the school bus and at the bus stop. Please see below to reacquaint yourself with our student discipline policies and parent expectations.

Student Code of Conduct
Click To Download
For information about KIPP Jacksonville Transportation, we strongly encourage you to reach out to our transportation team at 904-683-6643.

We take great pride in offering transportation for our students and families. Bus riding is a privilege. Misconduct by any student while riding a KIPP bus represents a serious threat to the safety of all occupants on the bus as well as the other motorists, pedestrians, and members of the community. Due to the importance of safety on the bus, at any time, the bus riding privilege may be revoked at the discretion of KIPP Jacksonville staff.
Safety Procedures and Responsibilities of Students Being Transported
- Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
- Take responsibility for your behavior and conduct yourself in a respectful, orderly manner on the bus and at the bus stop. Be respectful to the bus operator, monitor, and all other passengers.
- Wait until the bus comes to a stop before attempting to get on or off.
- Enter or leave the bus only at the front door, except in the case of an emergency as directed by the driver. Leave the bus only with the consent of the driver.
- Enter bus orderly, take assigned seat quickly, buckle seatbelt, and wear it during the entire trip.
- Follow directions given by the bus driver.
- Face forward and remain in your seat until you get off at your bus stop.
- Always keep all parts of the body and objects inside the bus window.
- Keep hands, legs, and belongings to yourself.
- Eating, drinking, and smoking is not allowed.
- You may talk quietly. However, be silent when approaching or crossing railroad tracks.
- Always keep the aisle and stair well clear.
- Do not tamper with door handles, windows, or other safety equipment.
- Do not use wireless communication devices, or electronic devices. Exceptions:
- Field trips in which the school administration approves the use of these devices
- As a planned intervention for special needs students
- In an emergency concerning safety-to-life issues (defined as a bus accident, mechanical breakdown which delays the normal route, and/or 30 minutes or more in a route delay).
Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians of Transported Students
- To ensure the safe travel of students to and from school and home when students are not under the custody and control of KIPP, including to and from home and the assigned bus stop.
- To ensure that students ride only in their assigned school bus and get off only at the assigned bus stop, students can on be assigned to one bus.
- To ensure students are aware of and follow the expected rules of behavior while they are at the bus stops and to provide the necessary supervision during times when the bus is not present.
School Bus Driver Responsibilities
- Relations with Students: Bus drivers will treat students with respect and will refrain from any conduct, which is intended or could be perceived as demeaning, intimidating, or harassing.
- Relations with Parents: Drivers must deal with students and parents in a polite, professional and considerate manner.
- Student Discipline: Although drivers are responsible for maintaining order on the bus, drivers must always remember that the types of actions they may use are governed by KIPP. Drivers must never, under any circumstances, use corporal punishment. Drivers have no authority to deny a child the privilege of riding the bus or drop the student at other than the designated stop. Any denial of bus riding privileges can come only from the school authorities.
- Discipline Referrals: Drivers must follow the bus referral protocol. All referrals are to be submitted to Transportation. The behavior must be continuous, and the driver must have implemented three strategies to redirect behavior before submitting a referral unless the action is level 2 or higher.
- Bus Stop: If a student(s) are not at their bus stop at the appropriate time, the bus driver may continue on with their route. For example, if a bus stop time is 6:45 and it is 6:46, the bus may continue. If a parent of a Kindergarten student is not at the bus stop to retrieve their child or children and there is no sibling to escort the child or children, they will be returned to the school at the end of the route. If a student is brought back to KIPP on the bus for any reason, they will receive the following consequence.
- Warning
- 1-3 days bus suspension
- Permanent bus suspension